Lana Svetlana, also known as “YourLittleLana,” “Little Lana,” or “tslanaxoxo,” is a young digital creator from the United States. She has gained popularity on social media for her creativity, charm, and lifestyle content. At just a young age, she has built a strong fan base and is becoming a well-known name in the online world.
Birth, Childhood, and Family
Lana Svetlana was born in 2007 in Los Angeles, California. She is now 17 years old and currently lives in New York. While she prefers to keep details about her early life, parents, and education private, Lana focuses on sharing her current success and online journey.
Dating and Relationships
She has not shared much about her dating life. As a transgender woman, she has spoken about some of the challenges she faces when boys her age learn about her identity, which sometimes leads to awkward or hurtful reactions.
She started her professional social media career in May 2024 by creating her Instagram account, @tslanaxoxo. She quickly gained over 162K followers by sharing beautiful selfies, lifestyle photos, and modeling content. Her posts her natural beauty and confidence, which have made her a favorite among her fans.
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She also connects with her followers by replying to messages and sharing weekly-themed content to keep her audience engaged. In addition to Instagram, she has expanded her career to platforms like OnlyFans and Fansly, where she shares exclusive content under the name “Little Lana.”
She is a talented and inspiring young social media star who has achieved a lot at a young age as a tgirl.